تفاصيل الإعلانات

Los Angeles, California
نشر على
3 سنوات منذ
رقم الهاتف

تفاصيل اضافية

معرف الإعلان


Franchise Gym Semi Absentee Ownership Management in Place

Become an owner operator or be a semi-absentee owner with existing management. This franchisor welcomes semi-absentee owners so the investor buyers will easily be approved. 

This is a proven, revenue generating fitness franchise. more than 120 results-driven classes per month for all ages focused on: fitness, boxing, exercise, cardio, yoga, weights, grappling, classes, nutrition, clothing and supplies." Woodland Hills sits in the heart of the San Fernando Valley with prime population consisting of entertainers and entertainment industry workers. 

The unique focus and brand name recognition attracts many celebrities - many of whom already utilize this club location. This gym offers a proven system for workouts that was designed by a professional athlete. 


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